Hi! I am Blue Blaze, the world’s first A.I.-Powered College Advisor for high school students. Want to go to a top college? I can help! Use me to find unique and impressive extracurriculars that will help you build a killer high school resume. I also deliver strategic college admissions advice that is personalized to YOU. When you are ready to apply, I can even help edit your essays! Time to get into your dream school!

The Blue Blaze A.I. College Advisor is trained on the highly curated and vetted Blue Blaze Extracurricular Database and years of college advising experience. No-one else has access to this customized, proprietary tool! Ready to stand out in the highly competitive college admissions process? Get started by asking Blue Blaze a question in the pop up.

TEDxYouth Speaker

A TEDxYouth event is a TEDx event, usually at a school, created for youth and by youth with the help of adult mentors.

You can apply to simply be a speaker to a TEDxYouth event at your school OR if your school does not have a TEDxYouth event yet, you can even launch your own TEDxYouth event and invite students and other speakers to speak!

Five things organizers love about TEDxYouth events

  1. The energy: “A kinetic energy that is unlike any other,” said one organizer.

  2. The creativity: Planning an event alongside young people makes you realize that kids have unique, crazy, extreme ideas that an adult might usually not think of — for the event, the activities, the speakers, everything!

  3. The empowerment: Organizing a TEDxYouth event shows that kids are capable of much more than what’s expected. “The fact that youth, just like me, had planned and ran the event shocked me the most,” said one volunteer. “I thought the event was amazing and couldn’t believe that kids my age made the event happen.”

  4. The enthusiasm for new ideas: “It was amazing to see how engaged youth team members were with the whole event and how thankful they were (and still are!) to be given such an incredible opportunity as being part of a TEDx event,” said an organizer.

  5. The confidence in the future: “All in all, the event created awareness in the young minds of their ability to do whatever they set their minds to achieve.”

Download the TEDxYouth Toolkit to set up your own event here.

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