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The Blue Blaze A.I. College Advisor is trained on the highly curated and vetted Blue Blaze Extracurricular Database and years of college advising experience. No-one else has access to this customized, proprietary tool! Ready to stand out in the highly competitive college admissions process? Get started by asking Blue Blaze a question in the pop up.

Foreign Service Essay Contest

Are you interested in politics and international relations? Consider entering this essay competition sponsored by the U.S. Foreign Service. Entrants are required to write a short piece (approx. 1250 words) that responds to a particular prompt about foreign policy and the role of the Foreign Service.

“What characteristics lead to a successful effort by diplomats and peacebuilders to mediate or prevent violent conflict? The United States Foreign Service—often referred to as America’s first line of defense—works to prevent conflict from breaking out abroad and threats from coming to our shores. Peacebuilders work on the ground to create the conditions for peace and resolve conflicts where they are most needed.

Successful essays will identify, in no more than 1,250 words, a situation where diplomats worked on a peacebuilding initiative with partners from the country/region in question, nongovernmental organizations, and other parts of the U.S. government, and then go on to analyze what characteristics and approaches made the enterprise a success.”

How do I get started? Click here.

How do I expand this narrative arc?

HOT TIP: National competitions are a great way to elevate your profile and get credit for what you may already be doing in the classroom. You’ll get the most mileage if you combine this competition with other extracurriculars that feed into your narrative arc.

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