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Guerrilla Gardening

Guerrilla Gardening


Pick an abandoned, derelict or just plain ugly public spot in your community that could use some beautification and launch a community guerrilla gardening effort to fill it with hearty plants and flowers.

Guerilla gardening is the cultivation of plants in public or abandoned private spaces where one technically doesn’t have permission. Find an area in your community that is neglected or underused and then rally your friends and neighbors to beautify it using clean-up, simple and/or donated plants or other landscaping. Be creative. You’ll be surprised how much it helps the appearance of your community.

How go I get started?

  • Scope out locations in your neighborhood that need beautification (NOTE: stay off private property)

  • Gather allies (preferably including supportive adults and community members) who can help you with the effort

  • Make a plan for where, when and how (including which plants, and at what time of year)

  • Fundraise, or solicit donations, for the purchase of gardening supplies, tools

  • Read our PDF for more helpful tips

How long will this take? The project is estimated to take 15-20 hours

How can I expand this narrative arc? Expand this arc into urban revitalization (Community Gardens, Rain Gardens, Transformation of Empty Lots) or urban beautification (Project Backboard) efforts.

HOT TIP: This is a fantastic project for a teen that is interested in urban planning and community engagement. Its impact and importance will be enhanced if you can couple the project with another in the same vein.

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