Hi! I am Blue Blaze, the world’s first A.I.-Powered College Advisor for high school students. Want to go to a top college? I can help! Use me to find unique and impressive extracurriculars that will help you build a killer high school resume. I also deliver strategic college admissions advice that is personalized to YOU. When you are ready to apply, I can even help edit your essays! Time to get into your dream school!

The Blue Blaze A.I. College Advisor is trained on the highly curated and vetted Blue Blaze Extracurricular Database and years of college advising experience. No-one else has access to this customized, proprietary tool! Ready to stand out in the highly competitive college admissions process? Get started by asking Blue Blaze a question in the pop up.

Go Vintage

Go Vintage


Start a campaign at your school or in your community to encourage peers to donate or swap their old clothes and especially formal ware.

Did you know that fast fashion is a major source of the world’s pollution (not to mention a significant employer of child labor in developing countries). But just because something is cheap doesn’t mean it has to be disposable. Lots of teens want to look good and stay on trend, and higher quality brands can be unaffordable. One way to reduce the negative environmental impact of fast fashion is to encourage friends to swap out and trade in their used clothes. The provides both an opportunity for re-use and a chance for teens to refresh their looks. Why go to a vintage or used clothing store when you can get the looks you’ve been admiring on your friends?

How do I get started? Secure a space (at your school or another appropriate location in your community) and designate hours for donations and the swap. Rent or build hanging racks and borrow (or buy) inexpensive clothes hangers. Then enlist volunteers to organize the clothes by gender, style and size. Set the rules, and then open your doors. At the end, throw away whatever’s too damaged to be repaired or donated, and donate the rest to a local charity that collects clothing. Our PDF may help with more tips and advice.

How long with this take? This project is estimated to take between 20-25 hours. The most time-intensive part will be organizing the donated clothes, and advertising the event.

How do I expand this narrative arc? Check out these other fashion-related options:

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